I am looking to upgrade from my linds shoes I have had since the mid 90's to a air with the adjustable soles/heels. I understand that Dexter is the "hot" Brand of shoe out there right now for the adjustable sole shoes. My linds hsoes are wide width, and I also wear wide width on my regular walking sneakers I wear, but I cannot seem to find shoes for the left handed bowler in wide width in my size. I was hoping to find a deal on ebay/online without having to pay the full retail, too much. I have found a couple of left handed shoes in my size currently on ebay that are non wide width, they are both dexters. I have never worn dexter shoes....would I be able to get away with a non wide shoe in dexter? my linds are wide width but they are not too loose, and not overly tight either. If I have to have a pair special ordered just to have a pair I'll do it at some point, but am hoping I can get some without having to spend a fortune on them.
Any input is appreciated.