At one time, Brunswick supposedly bought out the rights to make this Wrist Brace from an individual that made them. Don't remember just when this happened, but think it was in 2003 give or take a year. You are the one that put me on to this Wrist Brace, but I couldn't find this guy named "Marty" that made them. I then found a brand new one for sale in this forum and immediately bought it.
When I received it, in addition to "Striker", it also had Brunswick's name on it. I contacted Brunswick as a friend was wanting one also and they refered me to another party associated with KR, the company that makes Bowling Ball Bags. This person acknowledged that they had purchased the rights to this glove and were going to make them for Brunswick. They were on the KR site at that time and had Brunswick's name on them.
After that I don't know what happened. I heard once that this "Marty" was making them again, but that was 2-3 years ago.
I am thinking that Scotts 33 knows a bit about this wrist device and also Marty, but not sure. You might try contacting Scotts 33. Maybe KR also. Maybe even Rick Hamlin might be able to give you some insight about this, I don't know.
Let us know what you find out.