I have the peacock/green ones. I have a wide foot and still never found these shoes very comfortable. I drag my right foot behind me so I now have a hole in my right shoe. after 2 years of use my velcro is worn out, I've fallen on my a double s 2 times now because of the heel just falling off while I'm sliding and then not being able to stop. can't use the #2 sole because it is taller than the other soles and it just throws me off balance. and finally on top of that, Dexter Customer Service SUCKS! I e-mailed them about my shoes wondering if there was anything I could do. and they replied telling me that maybe I shouldn't take the soles off and walk outside to get another ball. I don't know what gave them the idea that I would do that but i have never ever walked outside with a booty on the shoe much less without and with the soles off of it. I've just ordered my ABS Tour Ultra's. and they're being shiped right now. I don't know if I'll like them or not, but all I know is that it is impossible for them to be any worse than my dexters. If you want to get some dexters then go for it, they are cheaper, and a lot of people love em, I just couldn't stand them. Hope this helps your decision.
P.s. My friend bought the blue ones about a year after me and his shoes are developing the exact same problems mine had.
"Strive to be perfect, that is afterall the only way to become perfect.""If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans."
From DesiderataConversation between me and my girlfriend.
Her(what I hear):Blah blah blah blah blah BOWLING blah blah.
Me: What did you say about bowling?
Her: I didn't say bowling I said, DRIVING, I'm tired of driving.
Me: Ohhh. Nevermind.
Proud user of Columbia 300 and Visionary Bowling Products