The leagues have all left and signed on elsewhere -- I would think it will be very hard to get any of them back after contracts have been signed with other bowling centers.
Well then maybe they'll get a lot of open bowling, birthday parties & some fund raisers for various organizations on nights they would otherwise not have available... Lets hope they have a good marketing plan to get the word out they're reopening. Either way, kudos to them & good luck.
Bowling centers can't survive today without leagues to generate income. They will not make it on only open bowling and special activities.
Pretty sure that there are centers that survive just on open bowling. Last time I was in Reno, we were looking for a center that had open bowling so we could throw some practice/warmups and we were told about a center on an Indian reservation. We went there and the lane setup was not something I would want to bowl in leagues on. The lanes were staggered 2-3 feet so that the foul lines/lanes/ approaches were not parallel to each other. They were kind of like this:
1&2 ............................................................. 15&16
....... 3&4 .........................................13&14
..................5&6 ......................11&12