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Author Topic: Wrist Question  (Read 1268 times)


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Wrist Question
« on: December 10, 2007, 05:22:35 AM »
I've gone back and forth with wearing a support for a few years now.  I know the various different opinions of them, as well as why people use them.  I took the summer and am taking the first half of this season off because of the birth of my son and decided that during this time off I would stop using my pro release when I practice.

I am getting a similar, consistent reaction to when I was using it.  This is opposed to before, when I would stop using it and everything was out of whack.  Most importantly, as those who are opposed to wrist supports will agree, is that I'm now allowed to make subtle adjustments in my release.  I feel great about my release right now.  

Here's my question.  I believe that the reason that I'm seeing the results that I am is due to finally getting my timing down.  I don't believe that I've gotten any stronger to allow my wrist and hand to support the weight of the ball at the bottom of the swing.  I just think that it is in a more manageable spot.  Is this the 'flat spot' that I hear people talk about?  Also, is it possible that as much is it may seem to be a wrist strength issue with some people, could they be like me and just need a timing change?