All I can say is out the normally dry house shot was fried and they bothered not to oil before leagues. The league in front of us didnt help either....needless to say I took 3 off of the right (left handed) on the 1st shot in practice throwing my spare ball up 10....
1st game- throwing a 13lb house ball up the track, the only ball that actually worked for 158.
2nd game- took my Rhino Pro and fired it right up 1st arrow with no hand and did better but still left 5 splits for 157.
3rd game, not caring because myself, the team, and the whole league for that matter were screwing around threw my partners RH equipment lofting it 20 feet down lane and sturck every time on the left lane, left everything else on the left lane for 148.
158-157-148 = 463
Should have taken a blind, then again a .22 would have worked better. This new league we are in is a total joke and our team along with 3 others may leave and go back to our old league. Sorry partner, I bowled better at the Petersen tournament than in league tonight...
Unoffical Brunswick staff 07-08
Viva la Nacion!