Last night I bowled in a couples league, and it was the worst of last couple weeks downward spiral. Lately my game has gone of the deepend, and I thought it was because of the tequilla, so last night I bowled sober. It didnt matter, in fact those were the worst games of my life!!! My wrist hurt more then ever before, my elbow was sore, my shoulder was aching.......damn it, I think I am getting old........the 16# balls I bought this summer feel like 20#er's. I cant get them to do what I did in the summer league, heck I am lucky to be able to lay them down in the same place more then a few times per game.
Is it time to look at lighter equipment? I think it is, but how light should I go? I cant see dropping to a 15 will help much, so maybe 14? Heck I dont know.
I know I am beating myself up mentaly over this, cause I know I have good games inside, but cant for the life of me find them. Is it the wood lanes causeing me such grief? Summer league was on synthetic lanes, and I thought the wood might not be to bad to taim, but boy was I wrong.
Sorry for the rambleing folks, but its been a slow build inside and I had to vent a bit. Tonight is my mens league and I dread going.
Iconn 300
Old dog learning new tricks!