This is really getting to be predictable and boring.
Gonna have to find a way to spice things up alittle(cheat) and change the outcomes.
First place goes to ThongPrincess with a "sweet lefty shot" 639.
She moved up from the bottom, but forgot to take her play-toy Pink Isser with her.
Second place goes to Debs130 with a ladies league 605.
I am posting this in good faith that the donation will be in the mail.
Third place goes to OutaSync with an at or above average 585.
Women rule and guys drool, blah, blah, blah,.......
Fourth place goes to Mike DeSantis with a 578.
Fifth place goes to Ecajberry with a 562.
Even with his way above average scores, this is the best he can do ?
Sorry to say Ed, you set the bar for everyone else.
Sixth place goes to Doc Hollywood with a 543.
Oh, and here's a surprise -
Seventh place goes to Pin Kisser with a 517.
Don't you worry, we bowl the laneman's team tonight and I already got the vaseline to put in their thumbholes.
Insanity runs in my family....
It practically gallops. ~~~ Mortimer Brewster