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Author Topic: BOTBC 1-19 to 1-25 Reslup  (Read 1180 times)

Pat Kruschel

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BOTBC 1-19 to 1-25 Reslup
« on: January 28, 2004, 06:53:38 PM »
OutaSync sweeps into 1st place this week with the only 600 of the week, a nice 607! Way to come back, OutaSync! She is passing on the prize of an autographed thong in the color of her choice, but she didn't say who she was passing it on to???

Debs130 follows it up for a not-so-nice 1-2 punch for the guys and 2nd place with her 593. Does she want the thong as runner-up? I'll bet not.

ThongPrincess drops alittle, but still manages 3rd place and almost a shut-out of the guys with her 551. Looks like Sr Kegler scared all the guy's into shoot bad this week, in hopes of "sticking" someone with the $49.50 shipping charges.

Mike DeSantis leads the guy's into defeat this week with his 538 and 4th place. Too bad the rest of his cohorts couldn't produce anything useable in battle.

RooCat slides into 5th place with her 490 series from a replacement league. Her teammates decided to give her a going-away party, but forgot to invite her to it!
Looks like they all want bigger pieces of the pie!

Doc Hollywood checks into 6th place with his over-worked, under-played, 478. Even on his worst night, he can still manage to stay off of the bottom of the barrel.

And last, and with the least number of pins, is Pin Kisser with his "Sucks to be me"  469. Back to being president of the Sub-500 Club and a good example of how not to bowl.

I put a dollar in one of those change machines.
Nothing changed. ~~~~George Carlin
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming --WOW--What a Ride!"
 ~~~ unknown


Doc Hollywood

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Re: BOTBC 1-19 to 1-25 Reslup
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2004, 11:25:52 AM »
I guess that thong really scared the men this week.  Either that or they were thinking with the wrong head, LOL

Maybe if the men decided to give away a g-string that would affect the the women.

Nah probably not.  We don't look like the chipendale gays
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Edited on 1/29/2004 12:23 PM


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Re: BOTBC 1-19 to 1-25 Reslup
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2004, 01:50:04 PM »
Mine would be able to shine up 2 balls at the same time.........

Think about it for a minute.........


Oh wait!!!!

That would require me to um.....ah.......hmmmm.......nevermind
Timing is everything, and my belt keeps slipping!!