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Author Topic: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups  (Read 1432 times)

Pat Kruschel

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BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« on: December 08, 2003, 10:38:46 PM »
What a huddle mass of wannabe's we are this week!

Debs130 starts us out at 1st place this week with 2 good games and an oops for a 547. Debs was letting me have one this week and I blew it. Thanks anyway Debs!

RooCat scales the sides of the barrel and into 2nd place with an ever-so-close 545. Look for even better things to come from her in the near future, she is not down and out yet.

What's with all the ties lately ???

3rd place goes to the Dump & Chuck twins - Mike DeSantis & Pin Kisser with a thunder-crushing 543 each. So close, but yet so far away!

Doc Hollywood slides on into 4th place with a 532. Looks like Doc left his new ball at home to save a little face this week.

Getting a piggyback ride into 5th place is ThongPrincess and her 530 series. She shoots the highest 200 game - a 214, and still doesn't manage to get higher than 5th place.

OutaSync was OutaLuck and OutaGas at 6th place with her OutaTheSub-500Club, 501 series this week. Better time next luck, OutaSpares.

Winny567 showed he really does belong in the BOTBC with his 485 series and 7th place. What can I say Chris, there's always next week.

And our recuperating ecajberry gets off to a late start with his 446 series, I think he just wants a chance to climb all over TP again and possibly push her to the bottom of the barrel in the weeks to come.
You are only as strong as your weakest link!
That would be me!
Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming --WOW--What a Ride!"
 ~~~ unknown


Doc Hollywood

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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2003, 03:02:57 PM »
Sorry PK I am still using the same ball as last time.  Beginning to get the feel of it.  My partner went on vacation and left me taking care of all the patients again.  50 in one day.  If that wasn't enough the therapist was gone to with that nasty flu.  Hopefully I will be good and strong for next week.
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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2003, 06:04:19 PM »
So Ed is looking for revenge for my stepping on the hand  or ...never mind, better left unwritten:0

Doc, it's nice to see some one blame something other than the lanes or the ball  May things calm down so you can show us all up.
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2003, 08:41:15 AM »
TP - Life around here is always hectic.  With running 3 businesses there isn't a lot of time to do anything else.  And when it's overloaded it is tough to bowl well.  I try not to blame the ball or the lanes.  People that I bowl with always wonder why I bowl so much better at the tournaments.  I tell them it's because I have nothing planned on the day of the event so I have no other distractions.

I look forward to being on top of the leader board a few more times.  I just don't get to bowl on the great shots that most of you bowl on.  Their is no wall.  Most of the time it's a bowler created reverse block and when you find area it changes about every frame.  In my league there are only 3 bowlers averaging deuce and they are low deuces.  every other league everyone is about 20 pins higher.  Tough conditions most of the time.  I bet a sport league would give better conditions thatn our league.
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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2003, 12:41:19 PM »
Doc, I hope I didn't offend from my comment.  I bowl with a guy on Monday who thinks he is pro bowler caliber.  He is a solid 180-190 bowler.  He throws a bad ball and immediately it is the lanes.  It is really annoying to listen to every week.

When I say it is the lanes, it is actually an admission that I couldn't make the adjustment for the condition that was put out.  My home center is notorious for playing with the oil.  You never know from week to week what they will put out.  My Monday league is fairly consistent, dry with carrydown from the 6PM league.  Though the other week they did find some extra oil to put out

BTW I know you are a better bowler than your scores here reflect.  I was surprised to see you joining us.
To err is human to be thonged is divine
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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2003, 04:17:30 PM »
Wahoo, I hear that!  The only shot I could find last week was straight up the 5 board with NO side motion and that's with plastic.  If you hit the 4 board you took out the 6.  If you hit the 6 board, you went brooklyn or further.  The crankers were going down the middle with plastic so anywhere between the 10-10 was squirrelly.  Hones your skills but sure is nerve wracking.
I just don't get to bowl on the great shots that most of you bowl on.  Their is no wall.  Most of the time it's a bowler created reverse block and when you find area it changes about every frame.  In my league there are only 3 bowlers averaging deuce and they are low deuces.  every other league everyone is about 20 pins higher.  Tough conditions most of the time.  I bet a sport league would give better conditions than our league.


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In Memory Of R.C. RooCat
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Doc Hollywood

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Re: BOTBC 12-1 to 12-7 Reslups
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2003, 09:24:08 PM »
TP - No offense taken about your comments.  I do bowl much better on tournament conditions usually.  Since I do not get out to practice very often I practice during league and try anything from outside 5 board to playing 6th arrow.  It is very tough when you are tired from the rigors of the day but I continue to work at it.  It just makes the mind stronger.  I do have a pretty good single pin spare game and most of the time I do not even think about it.  I just get up there and shoot at them.  I average in the 180-190's without even trying and can do this at almost any house.  If i can find some area I can do well.  Again nothing spectacular but I tend to be a bit above average.

RooCat - When I get that extreme over under I tend to move deep inside and play a tight swing to the pocket and just shoot the spares.  Hopefully you string a few X's and can pull out the win.

Once things begin to settle down I will be able to get out and get some practice in and then start kicking butt on a regular basis.  I hope.

It will be interesting to see what Ron Clifton will do with my game.  I sent him the video and we will see the outcome in a few months.

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