What a huddle mass of wannabe's we are this week!
Debs130 starts us out at 1st place this week with 2 good games and an oops for a 547. Debs was letting me have one this week and I blew it.
Thanks anyway Debs!
RooCat scales the sides of the barrel and into 2nd place with an ever-so-close 545. Look for even better things to come from her in the near future, she is not down and out yet.
What's with all the ties lately
3rd place goes to the Dump & Chuck twins - Mike DeSantis & Pin Kisser with a thunder-crushing 543 each. So close, but yet so far away!
Doc Hollywood slides on into 4th place with a 532. Looks like Doc left his new ball at home to save a little face this week.
Getting a piggyback ride into 5th place is ThongPrincess and her 530 series. She shoots the highest 200 game - a 214, and still doesn't manage to get higher than 5th place.
OutaSync was OutaLuck and OutaGas at 6th place with her OutaTheSub-500Club, 501 series this week. Better time next luck, OutaSpares.
Winny567 showed he really does belong in the BOTBC with his 485 series and 7th place. What can I say Chris, there's always next week.
And our recuperating ecajberry gets off to a late start with his 446 series, I think he just wants a chance to climb all over TP again and possibly push her to the bottom of the barrel in the weeks to come.
You are only as strong as your weakest link!
That would be me!