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Author Topic: BOTBC - NPA Results 09-15 to 09-21  (Read 977 times)


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BOTBC - NPA Results 09-15 to 09-21
« on: September 22, 2003, 09:54:15 AM »
Will Thong Princess live to bowl on ?

Or will evile mastermind of all that is BOTBC - NPA Ragnar create a loophole
to slide her on out ?

Will Mike DeSucks sometimes be foiled by his own version of "Reverse Handicrap" ?

Will Thong Princess reveal she is definitely not a math teacher ?

Will Ed cement his position as Suckerfish of the year early ?

All this and more as we check to results from the top of the barrell to the bottom of the barrell.

Mike DeSantis - 608. What the ? At a 100-1 shot to win a chick takes the top position again. Alright he's not a chick and I couldn't DeSturb his name this week due Mike is the winner. The 1st victory for the men. But again sadly no CPL's.

Thong Princess - 604. T.P. gives it a good try bowling but not so well in the math department. She halves Mike's 608 series and comes up with 302.
Where were you when I needed these skills from an IRS auditor figuring my taxes ?
But T.P. scores off the lanes with a DPL again. With a bevergae offer.

CB - 598. The women go 2-3 this week but barely. No DPL for CB this week.

Pin Kisser - 571. I added the scores backwards, forwards, I used reverse handicrap, any way you do it P.K. is solidly off the bottom. And scores a CPL without the skull ball ? And beats down not 1 but 2 women in one week ?
Hmm I may have to call him Pin Killer this week.
Now my young apprentice get the CPL's to start buying you drinks and you are there.

Roo Cat - 540. Crushed like a flat road kill cat by P.K. I can hear the wailing all the way from Arizona now. But scores a big DPL as consolation.

debs130 - 528. Another female flattened by the wrecking ball like performance of P.K. Sadly no DPL but the women crushed the men for DPL/CPL this week.

Ecajberry - 428. We have a winner. Ed is proudly taking up where P.K. left off last season. But I sense a rise is imminent. Could it be soon that a woman is bottom feeder ? Stay tuned. 0 CPL this week. Get a skull ball Ed...chicks dig it !        

Ok. We'll settle this the old Navy way.
1st guy to die loses.