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Author Topic: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here  (Read 4048 times)


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BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« on: September 18, 2004, 08:36:25 PM »
Post your scores Ladies and Gentlemen and good luck to everyone.
I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.

Edited on 9/19/2004 4:28 AM



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Re: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2004, 11:17:48 PM »
Damn after a long week of cleaning up the mess that the flood in pittsburgh brought, I once again have given the true meaning of bottom of the barrel,
120, 145, 147=412(my area code, lol) The only positive is I got a CPL, the only good looking woman of the league, a year older than me, hooked me up with a Pearl Harbor(after enough of them u get bombed).  
I hate these lanes but it is very good practice for tournaments, had one today.  
220, 200, 247=667.  It was a very long heavy oiled lane, ppl were having problems today(both sides).  Good chance of gettin top 5.
Oh well on to next week, I expect more low series like that from me this year, I will be botb champ,lol
good luck next week everyone


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Re: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2004, 10:43:44 AM »

In the true spirit of the originator of this BOTBC Pchee2 I must ask this to judge your CPL score.

Did any of their ummmmmm.........errrrr......cleavage approach even a 34C size ?
All CPL's that are under age but, at least hit that mark shall be henceforth counted.
Think of it as that sign set up near roller coasters that reads "you must be this tall to ride this ride."
I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.


The powers that be have foiled my devious attempt to gain a CPL by slight of hand. My natural lack of sex appeal and charm preclude me from getting CPL's in the traditional way, but rest assured, I will explore every avenue and every loophole in the system.....The elusive CPL will be mine ! BWAHAHAHAHA !!!
What's a spare ?

Doc Hollywood

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Re: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2004, 11:37:14 AM »


The powers that be have foiled my devious attempt to gain a CPL by slight of hand. My natural lack of sex appeal and charm preclude me from getting CPL's in the traditional way, but rest assured, I will explore every avenue and every loophole in the system.....The elusive CPL will be mine ! BWAHAHAHAHA !!!


Holding a lollipop and asking "hey little girl want some candy doesn't count.

Now if she's 21 and has a 36c and has the mentality of a 13 year old that's okay.  If she gullible, she'll take it all in.

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Edited on 9/26/2004 11:29 AM


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Re: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2004, 06:03:08 PM »
Well, I know this is going to be a spam post, but I wanted to say I met a CPT! (Chick Per Tournament) and shes gorgeous! Got her screen name to! (yea yea, what ever happened to getting phone numbers? PHONES SUCK!)
16 years and still going strong! 16 years old that is! The names Warrior Princess, Xena..Warrior Princess
And why would I "saw" pins in half, THATS A WASTE OF PINS!


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Re: BOTBC Week 2 09-18-04 to 09-24-04 Post Here
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2004, 06:31:37 AM »
201-189-184 = 574

I got shutout on CPL's this week, but I have to say that I'm still OUTRAGED over last weeks CPL ruling......Last week I had 3 teeny boppers, and yet was not credited with a single CPL !.....Yeah, I couldn't believe it either !....I hereby re-submit my 3 teeny boppers from last week, to the board for review....I,, THE PEOPLE DEMAND a ruling on how many teeny boppers it takes to be credited with a CPL !

I thank you in advance for addressing this matter swiftly, and decisively, and may justice prevail !
What's a spare ?

In the true spirit of the originator of this BOTBC Pchee2 I must ask this to judge your CPL score.

Did any of their ummmmmm.........errrrr......cleavage approach even a 34C size ?
All CPL's that are under age but, at least hit that mark shall be henceforth counted.
Think of it as that sign set up near roller coasters that reads "you must be this tall to ride this ride."
I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.

I am going to have to protest this ruling. I see no reason why we cannot include 32B and up as CPL (not that it has a big effect on me, 3 outta my 4 have 34Ds, the other has doubles).
32B is the average females size, and therefore we should count all equal to or above that size. Sound logical?
FES-As a man who respects himself, I have to break up with you, and there is nothing you can say to change that

Nina-My parents are jerks and I want to get back at them by doing it with you on their bed.

FES (extremely quickly)-Except that.

Hahahahahahaha. Did I mention hahahahahaha. Bob look at where you are.
This is the BOTBC.
Fair and impartial rulings where logic reigns supreme are not even considered here.
The High Evil Story Writer Upper/Commissioner wields his demi gawd like power with impunity and at a mere whim.
But, you do amuse me so far.
I will rule on this in the recap thread to be posted post haste.

I'll stone no head pins before their time.
Sr. K will. He gets tapped like that all the time.