It's back the kinder gentler NPA side. But we love everyone here so even Capt. Peach Fuzz is welcome.
Let's meet our officials for this year.
Standing 8 foot 5 in his socks, holding a really really big cat named Bill, swilling martinins and, eating rare chargrilled steaks let's hear a big welcome for Ragnar Flogg something or other !
Wielding zero talent and leaving many dial-a-washouts your weekly NPA recap slave well it's me.
As always Ragnar's opinion on CPL's/DPL's will be final unless he gets bribed and changes his mind. Hint to increase your chances. Keep calling Ragnar until he answers when he sounds inebriated. I have to use 3 syllable words to keep his interest in long sentences.
Looks like at least 3 of you are bowling this week so let the contest begin !
He who bowls last, he's an anchor.
And that's not always a good thing.