I decided to try something a bit different tonight. I've had a bit of success on my PBA Experience league by playing the lanes straighter. Normally my rev rate and only average speed don't allow me to go up the boards on a THS unless I use a weaker ball. I then start to get into over/under territory. I took my Yeah Baby! down to 360 Abralon and put a nice coat of Bean's Secret Sauce on top. This ball has been goofy for me since I got it. It was very long and pooped out on the backend OOB. Without any polish it all it would burn up in the heads. I tried this new surface with the idea of getting the ball down the lane clean but allowing the underlying rough surface to take over in the mids and back. I played up 8 all night with firm speed. I didn't have to move once.
Split in the 10th the first game, whiffed a 10 pin the second game. Had the front 7 last game until a stone 8. I had a wonderful look and tremendous carry. The ball was just destroying the pins.
"On-base percentage is great if you can score runs and do something with that on-base percentage. Clogging up the bases isn't that great to me. The problem we have to address more than anything is the home run problem."
~Dusty Baker being a total fool