Hi there,
I'm a newbie, and I'd like some advice on getting my own ball.
I've got some shoes that I purchased at the local pro shop, however the pro is in name only, with non-bowling staff.
I feel very self-conscious, because I don't know what any of those terms are in the other posts about PAP and all of that stuff.
I just am wondering about purchasing a ball that can grow with me from my very new stage (relatively consistent straight bowler, no hook, I don't know what "backend" means, so I don't know if I have it, and sometimes I can get the ball to rotate backwards as its rolling forward towards the pins) to the next level, where I can learn to hook the ball.
From what I understand, there are different cores and different coatings (is this what coverstock is?). We bowl at two different AMF lanes, one has very little oil, and one is so oily that the house balls shimmy sideways at the slightest encouragement.
I have seen balls online called spare balls, for straight bowling (I think) that would be good for me with how I play NOW. I would like to learn to bowl with a hook, however, because that is how you get the strikes!(right?)
So, can I buy a ball that will let me learn how to bowl with a hook that will still roll straight with the way that I bowl now?
That was the longest question, I am sorry, but I sure appreciate any help you can offer!