Hi All!
I am currently using a 14 Fuel. I bowl on synthetics on a medium oil fresh house shot with good backend and experience some carrydown later in the night.
I usually stand anywhere between 22-25 and play 2nd arrow or between 2nd & 3rd. I throw a small hook.
My biggest problem is that I can't seem to hold the line as the ball hooks too much for me.
I feel this ball is too aggressive for me and may also be a little too heavy. I've been experiencing some shoulder pain since I moved up from 13 last year.
I've ordered a 13 Vendetta Black Solid which I hope will be easier to control. My pro shop plans on drilling it with Dynothane's #2 layout.
Did I make the right selection? Also, will I benefit from the drop in weight in the long run? How do you know when a ball's too heavy?
Your comments and suggestions would be appreciated.