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Author Topic: Battling carrydown for lower revs bowler  (Read 1836 times)


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Battling carrydown for lower revs bowler
« on: March 22, 2008, 05:56:55 PM »
Any tips from experienced low revs bowler? (especially those playing around 5th to 10th board)

Assuming a righty, I've heard that for a higher revs, the move is usually to the inside (left). Do lower revs move to left or right?

If the moves somehow involve changing a ball, do they uses the same layout? (something like stronger ball with weaker layout or vice versa?) Please keep in mind that these questions are mainly for lower revs bowler around 200-250 rpm.

Thank in advance for all the replies.


Spider Ball Bowler

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Re: Battling carrydown for lower revs bowler
« Reply #1 on: March 23, 2008, 02:03:09 AM »
I'm a lower rev player and when I see carrydown, I will try to go as far outside as possible while obviously still getting the ball to the hole.  If that does not work, then I tuck my pinky and slow the ball down.

Tucking my pinky gives me more revolutions, without sacrificing my normal delivery.

As far as your main question...carrydown means move left for me since I am a lefty, so I would assume you would want to move right and square up even more.
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Re: Battling carrydown for lower revs bowler
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2008, 07:05:02 AM »
I am also a lower revs/lower speed bowler. When I encounter carrydown, my first step is to move closer to the gutter. I tend to play between 2nd and 3rd arrow, so there's normally enough room for this option for me - even though in some cases oberall lack of oil in this area can make the ball read the lane too early - I might switch to a weaker ball (e. g. my Pure Hammer) in this case and/or change my hand position for a longer skid phase. But, after all, it is the most comfortable change for me that does not change much of my normal game.

Depending on the overall oil volume, I have also had good success on medium to light conditions when I took a stronger ball with some surface and moved (much)deeper, trying to move the break point inside of the carry down area and playing an overall larger hook. Effectively, it is much like playing the other half of the lane - the lefty side is normally in better shape. In training, this has even got me down to 6th arrow as a target with my Frankie May Gryphon, and what initially was a kind of desperate joke turned out to be a potential strategy - even though the danger of wide splits is immense - you have to be exact and steady, and need confidence in your skills and equipment. But even a fluffer like me can play deep
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany