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Author Topic: Breaking a slump  (Read 3411 times)

star wars geek

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Breaking a slump
« on: January 20, 2005, 03:20:20 AM »
Hey everybody,
Over the past year, I've seen my average raise to around 150ish.  Now my boss has put me in charge of a bowling league for our company.  We've been bowling for two weeks, and I can't even come close to my average.  I have the yips or something.  I mean, my scores have been 120 and less!

I need to break this slump.  How do you guys get through slumps?  What's the worst you've ever had?

The only balls in my hands are Brunswicks.



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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2005, 01:37:03 PM »
when i try to get out of a slump, i bowl and excessive amount of games. my worst slump has been a whole summer league 2 years ago.

star wars geek

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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2005, 04:33:22 PM »
Last night I think I started to break out of it.

I really focused on hand positioning and keeping my wrist straight with little to no break.  (sounds bad if you only catch half of the conversation).

Anywho...started slow with a 108, started to feel bad again.
Went up to a 137...better, but not quite where I wanted to be.
Then bowled a 157, but I threw a gutter ball with the 12th ball!

Either way, I think I'm starting to get out of my slump, which is good.  I guess if I bowl well next week, things will start looking up, indeed.

The only balls in my hands are Brunswicks.


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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2005, 08:21:13 AM »
Relax! Getting some distance and practice are, IMHO, the best things to overcome a slump. Best thing is when you know what is wrong, or that you are a victim of nervousity.

Make some training games with no distraction (I highle recommend weekend morning sessions), and do not push it too hard. Focus on your mistake/slump and make some relaxed traing games, get a positive feeling. I you have someone (training partner?) at hand, ask for assistance, and do not get irritated. You should know best what goes wrong.

Build up routine and a good feeling.

When you are under pressure again (e.g. bowling with colleagues, I guess this puts a lot of pressure on you; experienced the same when I organized a day out at the bowling with our 50-people company...) remind yourself that there is definitively NO difference between the current situation and your successful trainings. It is just about smooth bowling and a clean execution. Good games will come automatically.

I you push it, you will get tense and expect too much, get disappointed, and so on, ending in a negative spiral.

Have apositive outlook. It really helps becoming better, bit by bit.

Another option is to buy a (light) wrist support. No false pride, these thing really help, especially when you are new to bowling. And it makes impression, too.

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe

Edited on 1/24/2005 9:19 AM
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2005, 04:46:08 PM »
To get through a slump I usually drag out an old favorite ball of mine and go shoot some practice games with it.  I have a couple older balls that are like old friends that i'm just very comfortable with.  Usually though its just trying something differnt that snaps u out of it.  That or you can drink more, i've done that a few times.The next morning my bad bowling is usually not whats bothering me lol.


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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2005, 11:59:03 PM »
Just a thought here, have you considered a lesson or two??  I know when I hit a slump it is either mental (which case I usually tough it out, eventually the breaks will come my way again) or it is physical.  I have my coach, (or amother trusted person) to take a look at your mechanics. Sometimes we don't always see where our mistakes are.  Like they say, 2 sets of eyes are better than one!  Good Luck! Cheer up...Eventually all slumps come to an end.  Cheers!

One last mentioned that your boss put you in charge of the league.  Do you think there is too much pressure?  Are you one of the better bowlers in your league???  Maybe you are too busy doing league stuff and you ar really are not focused on the task at hand. Just a thought.  

Like I said before...Good Luck!

Altoona, PA

1. Phenom
2. Freak Out
3. Threat
4. Dry Heat
5. Havoc
6. Rule
7. TPC Shooter XL
8. Mutant

"I believe in the strike. The spare. The Turkey. Playing the gutter. I believe that the 7-10 split is a message from God. I believe hard work is a better investmant than luck. And that 300 is a reward rather than an achievement. I believe that bowling should be an Olympic sport. AND I believe if your're going to bowl, BOWL TO WIN." -Ebonite ad. (sorry Track folks, love this quote)

star wars geek

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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2005, 12:54:11 PM »
The pressure was definitely on me.  I am probably in the top 4 bowlers in the league, and last week seemed to break out of the slump.

I'm bowling again tonight, and am hoping for solid results to reinforce my hopes of post-slumpdom.

I will post here and let you know of my results.

OH yeah, two teammates watched my mechanics, and I didn't notice that my wrist was in a terrible position during approach.  It started out correct, but moved during the approach.

3 sets of eyes are sweet!

The only balls in my hands are Brunswicks.


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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2005, 05:16:57 AM »
Yeah, try a wrist device, a small one. It will definitively improve your release and power up your game. Good luck!

DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany

star wars geek

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Re: Breaking a slump
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2005, 11:29:32 AM »
I'll have to invest in one.

Last night I started hot, my first game being a 167...which SHOULD have been higher, but they stopped the league for 25 minutes to go over some rules for the noobs in our league.  After that, I was cold for 3 frames.  I was at 100 after 5 frames, and only got 67 in the last 5 due to 3 open frames.

My second game was not as good, but ended with a turket for a 139...not great, but acceptable as we won the game.

My third game sucked like a cheap hooker...but I went to the 10th down by 16, and we came out up by 2 to take 3 victories.

We were in second place, and the team we were playing was in we are in first, adn we dropped them to third.

I like it when I play spoiler!

The only balls in my hands are Brunswicks.