Relax! Getting some distance and practice are, IMHO, the best things to overcome a slump. Best thing is when you know what is wrong, or that you are a victim of nervousity.
Make some training games with no distraction (I highle recommend weekend morning sessions), and do not push it too hard. Focus on your mistake/slump and make some relaxed traing games, get a positive feeling. I you have someone (training partner?) at hand, ask for assistance, and do not get irritated. You should know best what goes wrong.
Build up routine and a good feeling.
When you are under pressure again (e.g. bowling with colleagues, I guess this puts a lot of pressure on you; experienced the same when I organized a day out at the bowling with our 50-people company...) remind yourself that there is definitively NO difference between the current situation and your successful trainings. It is just about smooth bowling and a clean execution. Good games will come automatically.
I you push it, you will get tense and expect too much, get disappointed, and so on, ending in a negative spiral.
Have apositive outlook. It really helps becoming better, bit by bit.
Another option is to buy a (light) wrist support. No false pride, these thing really help, especially when you are new to bowling. And it makes impression, too.
DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany
"All that we see or seem, is but a dream within a dream..." - Edgar Allen Poe
Edited on 1/24/2005 9:19 AM