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Author Topic: Coverstock: Particle vs Reactive  (Read 1635 times)


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Coverstock: Particle vs Reactive
« on: August 31, 2007, 06:57:22 PM »
Got a question for you.

What are the differences between a particle and a reactive coverstock.
First, I thought particle was for more oil, reactive is for length. But I noticed alot of dull reactive balls such as fury, paradigm passion, raw hammer anger... etc... are for heavy oil....How does that compare to particle balls such as Mammoth, Epic Battle, or the new Epic Quest?

Does it matter anymore if its particle or reactive?



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Re: Coverstock: Particle vs Reactive
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2007, 08:41:43 AM »
I got an answer for you: you buy a ball reaction. You do not buy a specific ball cause it's pretty or 4900 people at  your center bought it or because it's a particle or because it's a resin ball. You learn through many means what the type of reaction you need for what type of oil and then you learn what certain ball can do via talking to people and watching their ball react, preferably people whose style is similar to yours.

There are resin balls that will handle more oil than particle balls; they are particle balls that will skid/snap as much as some pearlized resin balls. There are such a wide variety of balls capabale of almost any ball reaction, that trying to classify them is counter-productive. It will make you assume all balls of that type are solely capable of only one ball reaction.
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"None are so blind as those who will not see."