First reactive ball i got my wife was the scout. But that really didn't do much for her. Shortly after i got her adjusted to fingertips, i put her into a wild. That ball did wonders for her, but was a little over/under. After she got comfortable i moved her up to an ICON, which is now her benchmark ball. She moved along pretty quickly, learning and executing, and now i think she's got a better arsenal then i do!! She's now got the Icon, a Mutant, Golden Nugget, and her plastic spare ball.
3 weeks ago, i took and plugged the wild, and gave it to my daughter, and am starting the cycle all over again. She moved from a 12lb up to the 14 lb wild, and it has done wonders for her. I would think something such as a Wild, or Wired, from columbia would be a good start. It will be a good rolling ball for her to learn with. I wouldn't go with the scout again, because when both my wife and daughter were learning, both of them wanted to see some sort of results with in a short amount of time. The scout, just didn't turn enough for my wife, and she got frustrated quite abit. Also she never had much drive at the pins, and still left the 5, or the 5/7 and goofy stuff like that. Go ahead, and get a decent medium oil ball, but IMHO skip over the scout. Its a great ball when the lanes are fried, but how often is a beginning bowler gunna see fried lanes.
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