Well, the league started Monday and after bowling very well for the last couple of weeks I was sure I'd do good. Unfortunately nerves and a huge blister on my thumb along with a lot of overthinking got the best of me. I bowled a whopping 145/135/132 for the first night. I wasn't putting full effort into my release because I did not want to tear my thumb open again. I also wasn't used to the slower progression and waiting since I generally bowl open practice on a lane to myself. To add insult to injury open bowling immediately after the league netted me a 221/181/243 for my first three games even with using a different ball for each. I'm sure next week will go better but then again, maybe it won't.
Is it typical to have these issues when first starting in a league?
Current line-up: Hammer Pain, Hammer Tuff, RotoGrip Epic Battle, Columbia Wrath, Columbia PowerDrive (drilled leftie), Visionary Ogre, Dynothane NE10, Dynothane Threshold, AMF Orbit Extreme, Brunswick Radical Inferno...more added weekly. :-)
High Score: 279 with the Epic Battle
High Series: N/A