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Author Topic: Getting back after 25 yrs  (Read 3671 times)


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Getting back after 25 yrs
« on: September 12, 2003, 11:59:09 PM »
HELP! It has been 25 yrs since I bowled on a league and about 6 yrs since I've bowled at all. I just joined a league and start on Mon. My question is this..I used to bowl with a 14 lb rubber ball (which I just learned they don't even make any more) and need to get a new ball. I have no idea what to look for. Back in the day, noone liked plastic balls much but I guess that's what they all are now? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I used to throw a pretty straight ball, no hooks and fancy stuff and was a pretty fair bowler. There are just so many different kinds of balls now I don't know where to begin....thanks for any help.



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Re: Getting back after 25 yrs
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2003, 09:09:08 AM »
Who boy (girl), you're in for a big surprise.  Forget everything you ever thought you knew about bowling; it's a completely different game now.  For starters, if you miss high, you move left, not right.  I know, it didn't make any sense to me either.

If you can afford it, do yourself a big favor, and take a few lessons with a coach.  It will save you beaucoup time and money.  Let the coach advise you on which ball to buy, as the choices are now completely overwhelming.  You don't currently have a "game" to speak of, so although we could offer some suggestions, you really need someone to ease you back into the game, especially if your goal is to once again be a competitive bowler.

Welcome back, and good luck.  If you check my profile, you'll see that I've been traveling the road you're about to set foot on for the past three years.

BTW, the leather jumpsuits were simply smashing!
Cogito ergo bowl


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Re: Getting back after 25 yrs
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2003, 10:13:46 AM »
If you want to continue throwing a straight ball, then I suggest getting a basic low-cost polyester ball, such as an AMF Boogie, Brunswick Target Zone, Columbia White dot, or Ebonite Maxim.  The polyester ball goes the straightest and requires almost no maintenance.  Plus they are the least expensive and provide the most color options.

They are all basically the same, so just pick one based on color, price & availability.

You could pay a little more and get a Brunswick Viz-A-Ball or Ebonite Optyx. The ball is basically the same, but they have some very cool pictures and designs on them.

Good luck & good bowling
Good luck & good bowling


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Re: Getting back after 25 yrs
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2003, 05:27:35 PM »
Thanks for the advice those that replied. I did buy a ball today. Columbia 300? Tonite is the first nite bowling..I haven't used the new ball yet..hope I do OK. And BTW...I'll leave the leather jumpsuits for the "real" Ms Peel!


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Re: Getting back after 25 yrs
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2003, 05:41:39 PM »
Good luck and just have fun. Bowling is a nice way to meet nice people.