Greetings to all!
As topic names - I finally decided to buy bowling ball, not to play with theese ones
(11 lbs brunswick, and my fingers really hurts afterwards.)
But there is sooo much information like coverstock, shape of the core and ect. And, since I live in Russia, my "local pro shops" have only souvenirs, pins and T-shirts, so I can't ask them for advise.
So, usually I playing with 11 lbs balls, because I can throw them smoothly, without loud noise. I can't hold more thatn 13 lbs house balls (without finger inserts) by my fingers.
My average 160-170, and record is 198. I bowled in 15 different bowling alleys, and lane conditions usually are almost dry. Don't need to wipe ball with a towel, cause I cant feel the oil on the surface of the ball. After 2 hours of bowling there is dirt stuck on my palms.
Not far ago, i have tried two handed style, and I really liked it.
So, I looked for sites selling bowling balls, and not sure that can ship to russia, and have found only one shop that have russian office and can deliver balls from USA to me ( ). But they can sell only Storm and RotoGrip balls...
After some research, I've chose Pitch Purple, because it is urethane (as I live in russia and don't have local pro shops, that can do the maintenance to remove the adsorbed oil from coverstock). But, of course, I'm not sure. Looking for yours advise.
Ow, and another question - I ve read a lot of "after ~50 games you need to do..." this "games" is exactly 10 frames?
Thanks all,