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Author Topic: help me choose a new ball  (Read 4788 times)


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help me choose a new ball
« on: October 08, 2005, 12:46:13 PM »
Hello to everyone, I'm new to these boards.

Anyway, after 6 yrs of going through many wrists and leg surgeries im back to bowling wooooooot. So i got a ball just to start out with last year ( tornado tps) and its a good ball for a beginner, but i am more than ready to move on. My avg right now is 208, but i feel i can do a lot better if I get a ball that picks up stronger on the backend and has more hook. Im a right hander and our the lane conditions at our local house are are usually med dry - med oil. I throw from the middle arrow to the edge and let it come back.  The tps is just not cutting it anymore and im forced to move to the right.  Whats a good ball to step up to next?  Im looking at an absolute inferno, and even harder hooking balls like the hammer hawg and the xxxcel.  I dont know if i gave you enough info so just ask any questions.  ALso i need help on what kind of drilling i should have done.

Thanks in advance,




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Re: help me choose a new ball
« Reply #16 on: October 14, 2005, 01:33:20 AM »
well i decided i needed somethig with more hook than you descirbed so i purchased an absolute inferno for $89 new. I tell you how it works out when i get it drilled. Any tips one what kind of drilling i should get done? Im thinking of widening the distance between my middle and my index, is this a bad idea?