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Author Topic: How do I choose a ball?  (Read 3433 times)


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How do I choose a ball?
« on: December 28, 2009, 09:39:52 PM »
I'm not what one would call a beginner, however I don't know much about balls and all the numbers associated them.  It's baffling me, and I really need help please.

My first personal ball was a Columbia white dot more than 15 years ago, and though I liked it, it did get quite a few chips and nicks in it within the first couple years of use.  Is that normal?

I bowl typically between 135-160 with my highest score being a 172.  I'm right-handed, and I've been told that I bowl perfectly straight with a small hook at the end, but I DO NOT want a plastic ball!  I have been looking at the Rogue Cell, Columbia Bedlam, Total Bedlam (which I'm thinking is too much of an aggressive ball), the Noize balls, etc.  I do like polished balls, and I want a ball that will be durable, and that can be engraved.  Please send me in a good direction for my bowling style.  I have read so many reviews on all the balls above, and I don't even understand the's like a foreign language to me.  





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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2009, 07:17:32 AM »
The problem is that I have been given a $100 gift certificate to an online site, so I have to use that site to purchase my ball.  I also don't really know who's reputable around town and who's not.  I have been away from bowling for quite awhile due to children and the fact that I'm in school full-time, so I don't really know anyone in the bowling scene these days.


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2009, 08:26:28 AM »
Ok, I'm leaning toward the Ebonite Clash.  I'm concerned that some reviews say that it's not consistent.  Same aim, throw, different results.  Does anyone have this ball?  Have they noticed this problem.  Nothing infuriates me more than when I throw the EXACT same way and get completely different results.  It's frustrating!


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2009, 08:59:33 AM »
I agree strongly with Getoffme10pin.  Building a good relationship with a truly skilled proshop operator who is familiar with your game and can make suggestions about both your game and your equipment is critical.  I have such a resource person, and he has really improved my game.  Over the past 2 years, he has suggested to me:  1) Dropping down from 16 to 15 lbs.  2) Correcting a flaw in my swing.  3)  A ball that he thought would be particularly well suited to me.  The results have been an improved average, my two personal all-time high series and an overall increased enjoyment of the game.  Sometimes I do make choices based on what I think will work, but to have that extra set of eyes and experience is critical.  No person will always get it right for you, but he can help you a lot.  

The best suggestion is to educate yourself about the game so that you know what you need to do.  Otherwise, you are guessing, and you have to ask yourself if you want to make an informed decision about how to spend your money or just make a guess.  There is a biblical proverb that states: "Desire without knowledge is not good and whoever makes haste with his feet misses his way."  As odd as it may seem at first, that is true even in one's choice of bowling balls.


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2009, 09:15:01 AM »
Another vote for Getoffme10pin's suggestion: before you buy a ball, make sure you have a ball driller at hand who knows his/her trade and your game.

For another twist of your problem, take a different look at your options. The ball itself is just a tool, something that helps you knock down wood. Acomplishing this task needs the combination of various factors, and you have multiple options for the way to achieve it. With this in mind, do not look at a ball as "something that hooks like hell and looks cool", rather a tool that will offer you a certain reaction shape on the lane which can be very effective on a certain condition window and for your palying style, if drilled and prepared well. That's what the pro shop will help you with, if they are smart and truly customer-oriented, and do not just want to sell you "a big hooking ball" that will be too much for your needs or simply only work in a small lane condition window.

In your case, I'd guess that an entry or mid-price level ball would be a very good option. Almost any manufacturer has something in store in this level, in many cases even multiple color versions to chose from.

Start small and learn! Nothing looks dumber than a noob tossing high end equipment with zero revs and little ideas what he/she is actually doing, except for burning money...

Good luck!
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2009, 08:07:51 PM »
I agree with 10pin also.  You should know how reputable a shop is with in the first minute.  If they try to stick a Virtual, Evolve, Seige etc. in your face, just leave.

I also agree with what dizzy said about a entry or mid price ball.  Start small and work up.  

I think a Clash is a good idea.  It is a reasonably-priced lower end ball.  Other choices could be an Brunswick Avalanche, Hammer Vibe(emerald, cherry, or sapphire), Ebonite Boom, Bash or even Smash.  There are alot more out there that just aren't coming to mind.  From what I've either read, seen or thrown they are roughly all on the same playing field in terms of performance and price.


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2009, 09:15:59 PM »
From your description I would recommend something at entry level reactive resin, such as the Ebonite Tornado, Brunswick Power Groove, etc., or no more than one level above entry level.  One ball I've read a lot of good things about (haven't drilled one yet, though) is the Columbia Freeze. has them for $85 delivered.  And yes, nicks and scratches are normal wear and tear on a ball.  You can help keep the ball looking good and performing well by wiping it before each shot, cleaning it after every bowling session with a good cleaner, and having the oil extracted on a regular basis, every 100 games or so.  --  JohnP


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #7 on: December 31, 2009, 07:32:56 PM »
My son who is new to the sport (3years now) Is throwing a storm fast and a storm furious. Fast is for med oil Furious little heavier. He started with the tornado and is an excellent ball for beginners but he grew out of it fast and the pro warned us he would.

I believe  both the Fast and Furious are right in your price range on I own both those balls myself and love them. I do agree with above though talk to a pro at decent pro shop get suggestions then go online and go shopping. Drilling and grips in my area would cost you an additional $40 at the pro shop when the ball comes in. Oh that reminds me if your looking to hook the ball have it drilled finger tip instead of conventional you will be glad you did.


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Re: How do I choose a ball?
« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2010, 07:24:38 AM »
I believe  both the Fast and Furious are right in your price range on

Second that. If you know the player's PAP, you can also drill them differently to spread their utility on the lane. Maybe add a spare ball, and you have a very versatile low budget/beginner arsenal that covers anything but the extremes.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany