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Author Topic: How to fix hand position in back swing  (Read 2243 times)


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How to fix hand position in back swing
« on: April 14, 2009, 05:49:39 AM »
I have a problem with my hand position during my back swing. I am right handed and I turn my hand to the righ side of the ball during my back swing then I try to get back underneath it durning my down swing. I have a track that usually clips the thumb hole on its fist two refs. even with a ball that is pin above and to the right of ring finger.

What my question is: how do i fix my hand position in the back swing and also how do i fix my track from clipping my thumb hole. when i throw my spare ball (plastic ball) it goes straigh over the thumb holw all the way down the lane.

Please help me out.


Edited on 4/14/2009 1:49 PM



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Re: How to fix hand position in back swing
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 02:17:01 PM »
As for your spare ball, I wouldn't worry too much about it going over the thumb hole.  If you watch Walter Ray throw at 10 pins, his ball clips the thumb hole at times.  I do the same thing but as long as I hit the spare, I don't mind.

I had the same problem regarding hitting the thumb hole on my strike ball.  What helped me is my coach started me on the 1-step approach.  Step and throw the ball.  It made me realize in what position my hand should be in when it left my hand.  Can't really offer you more than that.  If you can get someone to watch and/or video tape your game, perhaps you can analyze and fix the issue.  I'm lucky to have 3 USBC silver level coaches that work in the house I bowl at.

Good luck.
The bowler formerly known as BrunsRod.
Solid 7 Pin??  299 Game??!! WTF