I'm very new to bowling...Read my profile for a more in depth look at how I'm in over my head.
I've been reading a ton of links and pages with bowling terms and explanations and I must say that I'm more confused than ever.I didnt realize I needed to be a mathematical genius to understand this sport.Some things I get. Most things I dont.
Is there any site I can go to for a visual reference or do i need to buy beginners instructional videos?I'm more specifically trying to understand my ball and how it works in relation to the way its drilled and of course my RETARDED method of using the ball.I've been trying to understand PAP and all these other words but,the explanations all confuse me.
I'm a former Marine (read jarhead),and I guess what I'm trying to say is that I need most,if not all my information broken down for me 3rd grade style.lol
I've been reading alot of these forums and from what I've read,the people on this site seem to be the most friendly,helpful, and insightful.I look forward to reading your thoughts.See ya next weekend.Thanks.