I learned to hook the ball with trial and error. No one in my family is any good at the game, and there were no people in my home center who would work with the youngin's so I just practiced a lot.
I was told one time to let the ball go and have your hand in the position of a hand shake. So I stood all the way left, dropped the ball off the gutter and threw it really slow and it was hooking.
I was throwing Urethane at the time and was shooting 180's consistently in practice, but I knew there had to be a way to get to the next level. I tried different things, like throwing the ball harder and I started to find the pocket.
Once I figured out what to do in the house I bowled at I went from a 115 ave. at 13, to a 157 at 14, 187 at 15 with my first 300 and 2 700's, then by my Senior Year in Highschool I was averaging over 205.
I worked hard, but it was worth it. Unfortunately now I feel I am a worse bowler than I was back then. I need to find time to get out and practice.
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