It means you're not carrying.
You can do a few things:
1) Move left a half board to a board to bring your ball in a little heavier to kick out those corners.
2) Move your feet back 2-3 inches on the approach. Your ball will turn just a pinch earlier and hit a little heavier.
3) Reduce your speed. Move your ball a little lower in your stance, which will reduce your backswing. Slower speed equals earlier flip and the corners should fall. This is only recommended if your speed control is
really good.
4) Put more wrist in the ball. More revs = earlier turn. Same result as above. Again, this is only recommended if you don't screw up your timing in the process.
Try any
one of the above tips (not all four at a time). If one doesn't work, try another. If you still can't kick out the corners, try combinations of TWO of the tips (preferably 1 & 2).
When people tell me they are having trouble with carry, I usually tell them tip #2. Invariably they see immediate results.
Proud owner of a 1046/4 series courtesy of Columbia 300.My Blog: