I'm new so not able to control too many things in my approach and delivery. Getting better, no doubt, with practice, specially after my fit is figured out.
Still having trouble with the lane transition. I'm basically a Stroker and when the lanes break down and I have to move inside, my troubles start.
Typically play on medium to medium heavy, 42 feet low volume, synthetic Brunswick lanes. But occasionally, they can be either very dry or very wet and slick.
So far I've been using 3 to four ball, run of the mill Arsenal, which is also old, you know, Benchmark, Ball up, Ball Down. But now I'm trying to shift mode to serious. Threw away all old balls. Trying to figure out a way to use ball surface and core characteristics instead of moving my feet a lot.
My Specs are that of a typical newbie Stroker. Low Rev, Tilt, Rotation, slightly higher Speed and Track. I'm a righty with PAP 4 and 3/4 over 1/2 up.
I'm looking to put together a 6 Ball Arsenal including a Plastic ball, so 5 balls which can keep me between 10 and 15 boards no matter what the lane conditions are. I want to keep throwing within 5 boards of Track Area and keep my feet right of 25th board as I loose all control if I go deeper than that.
Need ball advice and Layout advice.
Don't want to break the bank though.
PS: When I asked a question like that in the past some friends got technical with RGs Diffs and Int Diffs and so on, though I'm trying to learn as much as can, still I'm lost very quickly when technical talk starts.
I know some don't want to or like to promote specific company or balls, but I would really appreciate if they can make exception just for once so know exactly what to buy and how to get it drilled.
I also know that without seeing someone throw a game or two in person, it's hard, even for the best minds to give good advice, but please try. Any help would be appreciated.
I have no preference in terms of Company. It can be any, just have to NOT BE TOO EXPENSIVE.