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Author Topic: Need Help!!!  (Read 1930 times)


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Need Help!!!
« on: October 01, 2005, 03:38:04 PM »
I'm starting a league on Monday.  I just bought an Ebonite Magnum, 12 lb.  I'm 6'3" and my brother thinks I'm dumb for getting a light ball.  I don't bowl that often.  Maybe a couple times a year.  I bowl straight.  Average about 130-150, high of 211.  He's telling me that Ebonite sucks and to get a Columbia Dr Jekyl or Hyde, or get a Scout.  I'm lost.  He knows the people at the bowling alley and they all say to use a 15 lb ball.  I throw my arm pretty far back, so a heavier ball puts a lot of stress on my elbow.  LOL  I've never even tried to hook.  I just figured out today what REactive means  lol  What in the world should I do?  Should I keep the Ebonite or get something else?  Should I try hooking or continue bowling straight.  I'm lost over here..please help, anyone!!!



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Re: Need Help!!!
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2005, 06:32:53 AM »
I would say, from what little you have posted about yourself, that a 12# ball is to light.  I use Ebonite and have no problems with the company. Some balls just don't work for some people.

If you want to throw straight, if that's comfortable for you, then throw straight. If you want to start to develop a hook, then you'll need a different ball. Those things only you know. You have to bowl the way that is most comfortable/natural for you.

Bottom line, you need a different ball, 14, if you want or 15, but a 12 won't have the power or weight to get through the rack, you'll see deflection by the pins and your scoring will reflect it. Now, you have the makings for a spare ball, but that's just my opinion.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Need Help!!!
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2005, 09:04:26 AM »
Thanks for the input!  You convinced me to try a 14lb ball.  The way I bowl is like this...When I swing the ball back, my right arm is straight, locked at the elbow.  Even my wrist is straight and locked.  My hand doesnt hook around it.  I throw it all the way back, almost 90 degrees straight back.  I bring my arm forward by pulling at the elbow, straight.  Even at my release point, my arm is still straight, until after I let go, then my arm curls up.  It's a LONG follow through.  I have long arms  lol  It works for me, but I'm not a pro, so I don't know if I should change it.  I've been bowling straight for almost 15 years, since I first started.  I don't even know how to hook, I just bowl it straight underhand.  The ball I bought was a Ebonite Magnum, regular price was 69.99.  I got it for 44.99, because the box was damaged.  Haven't drilled it yet.  We'll see what happens...again, thanks for the help.


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Re: Need Help!!!
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2005, 09:15:45 AM »
Since you have been bowling for that many years, in the way you do, I'd say...stay with what works for you. JMO, but if YOU are happy, if you think you can reach goals you set for yourself, don't mess with what works. I can't hook it coast to coast, never want to, so I'll stick with what works for me, might not work for someone else, but with small adjustments, I'm doing what I know works and that's what I always suggest to people who have been bowling for years.

Changing things that work, sometimes, will make people unhappy with results and might cause them to stop all together.
Good Luck and do what you do best...JMO.
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Sleep is over rated.