The timezone is an assymetrical weightblock and the x-factor is a symmetrical, but both look to drilled in a strongish ( in general) pattern.
Given that, it looks like you are in need of a ball with a stronger coverstock, given that you already have both types of weight block systems, and neither seems to have enough roll/traction in your new, heavier oil environment.
The x-factor is a pearl, and several years old, so it would only be considered a "mild" ball by todays standards. The timezone is a solid cover, but is also a couple years old. Add to that that the ball surface looks "shiny" ( maybe lightly polished ) and, it too, would only handle a medium amount of todays oil conditions.
If you are looking for a suggestion, given what information we have, I would say a very strong solid reactive, or maybe even a med/heavy load particle ball might be in your best interest.
Solid coverstock balls tend to read the lane conditions earlier and be more "rolly" than pearl covers, and solid particles even moreso. But, remember, balls designed for use on high/heavy volume oil patterns tend to be higher maintenance than others. The dull surfaces let them soak in more oil at faster rates than polished balls and need more T.L.C. than others.
Good luck