This is definitely not the easiest of questions to answer for a couple of reasons. You say the Ice doesn't hook, which makes sense since it is designed to be a spare ball or for extremely dry lanes. However, if you have some hand rotation, you should at least see at little curve with this ball playing "up the boards". If you are coming up the back of the ball, an entry level reactive probably won't hook very much either. The Ice you have is a great ball to learn how to really bowl with, in terms of creating a little more hand rotation and trying to get some reaction with that ball. It can be frustrating at first, especially if you're just experimenting with trial and error, so maybe see if the pro shop operator can work with you. Once you are able to make the Ice move, at least a little, then you can look at some better equipment, that will help your game even more. If you buy a new ball before really knowing how to create some reaction, it could be a waste of money, or give you a bit of a false sense of progress in your game. Not sure how much better you're looking to get, but building strong fundamentals first is always the best way to go.