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Author Topic: New bowler questions  (Read 1590 times)


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New bowler questions
« on: August 22, 2004, 06:56:36 PM »
Hi, I started gaining an interest in bowling about 3 months ago, but I've been used to bowling for years now.  I was averaging 130-135 with house balls before I bought my first ball.  Now I average about 165-170, bowl 2-3 times a week (getting my body used to it first).  I have a Power Groove and a Hot Rod (both conventional).  My questions are:
1.  Any recommendations for drillers/pro shops within 100 miles of Memphis, Tennessee? I know there are 3-4 pro shops in Memphis, but not sure which has the most experience and stuff.  The one I go to now seems decent, but the drillers are only in their mid 20s, and I'm not sure if they are experienced, good, etc.

2.  The times during which I bowl is usually from 3-6pm weekdays (I bowl by myself or sometimes with a friend with about the same average), and cosmic bowling with friends on the weekends (Memphis is boring, so everyone goes bowling).  I like using the Hot Rod when the lanes are still nice and about medium oil in the daytime or after leagues, but I also want a ball that I can actually use during the cosmic bowling sessions (prolly messier lanes, lighter oil?).  My comfort zone is between the 1st/2nd arrow, 2nd arrow, and between the 2nd/3rd arrow, so I guess you could say I play outside lines.  I dont get much revs dued to my conventional grip and still getting used to a drilled 12 lb ball (I was used to a 10 lb house ball).  I dont get as much lifts and revs with the 12 lb ball as I do with the 10 lb ball, but I figured it would be better in the long run to get my hand used to heavier ball (I weigh 135).  Should I keep practicing with the 12 lb or should I go down to 11?  I'm looking for recommendations for balls in my comfort zone and for I guess medium/light oils and the cosmic bowling oil (i am not sure what it is).  I am also thinking of getting the new balls drilled fingertip so I can get more revs.  Good idea?

3.  What ball should I get if I want to practice deeper in, say 4th-5th arrow (right handed).  

4.  It seems harder to get my thumb out with the new drilled balls than the house balls, I'm not sure if I'm just not used to a heavier drilled ball, my release, or just the thumb hole size.




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Re: New bowler questions
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2004, 02:59:22 AM »
Note to add is that my wrist is a little weaker than a normal person weighing 130ish dued to an old extreme skating experience, and the fact that I type 4-5 hours a day at work doesn't help much either.


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Re: New bowler questions
« Reply #2 on: August 24, 2004, 06:17:01 PM »
Fingertip is a good idea unless your wrist injury has affecting hand issues.

I wouldn't worry about practicing the 4th & 5th arrow at this point in your game.  Unless you are planning to switch to a cranker style, you aren't likely to ever need to play that deep in league.  You might play that deep in cosmic, but I don't recommend trying to build a cosmic arsenal unless you just have money to burn.

Getting you thumb out could be one of many issues...(in order of likelyhood based on my meager experience.)

First, if your ball fits, then stop squeezing/bending your thumb.  When you use a house ball, you are likely squeezing it just to hold on.  Your own ball should fit you so just relax your thumb and let go.

Second, the ball may not fit perfectly.  Have the span and pitches checked by a good driller. (Sorry I'm unfamiliar with Memphis proshops.)

Third, a resin ball is tackier than a houseball so it grabs your thumb more.  Try using a urethane thumb sleeve/slug.

Fourth, if you are getting suction in your thumbhole, you can have a vent hole drilled to remove the suction.
Good luck & good bowling
Good luck & good bowling