Hey guys, first time posting. For the last few months me and my brother have been going bowling a couple times a week, and have self taught ourselves how to spin and such, and I think we have pretty good form. We average about 140ish with house balls. I have a couple questions, when throwing with the house balls, we leave our thumbs outside of the hole, seems like if we try to spin with our thumb in the thumb hole of these house balls that our wrist is going to give out, it this normal, or a flaw in the way we are throwing?
My next question is, if this isnt a flaw, then im thinking of buying my own ball, and would like any recomendations for a casual bowler who has some decent spin on the ball.
And finally, I live in northern california, chico to be exact, are there any good pro shops around here? theres one at the bowling alley I frequent, however im not sure as to how good they are there.
Thanks for any help you can give me !