I am getting into bowling now after a couple of weeks of drinking with my buds at a new bowling alley in town. I started at about 80-90 for a game then progressed to the mid 100's and just got a 199 this week but the balls feel awkward there so I want to get one of my own to see what I can really do. Now the alley does have a speedo and I throw between 21 and 22 MPH consistantly and I have really no hook at all since the balls are weird (that sounded weird). I started using the 15lb since the holes felt better but I liked the weight of a 16 since it felt a little more substancial. I want to get a ball that will be good in just about every condition, allow me to learn to hook gradually, and have enough weight that I don't throw it over 30 MPH like I do with the 10lb. I really don't throw the ball like I am trying to kill the pins, I am just extremely strong (workout 5 days a week and am very fit). Thanks for the help and money really is no object, well I won't mind spending $150 on a ball (just lost a grand last night in poker, ugh!).