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Author Topic: Noob Needs Help  (Read 1780 times)


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Noob Needs Help
« on: November 12, 2010, 02:08:45 AM »
Hello everyone,

I'm completely new to bowling. Sure I have done it but only messing around. The other day we went and played and I was only doing a 120-155 score.

I have decided I want to take it more seriously so I am going to go get a ball and what not.

My question is what ball should I look at? I have no idea what info you guy's need to help me so here is some info and hopefully this will help.

R handed

When I do throw the ball I don't curve at all I throw it straight down the lane. I was told by a guy that I had the straight part right and I throw fast (I have no idea if he knew what he was talking about). Oh yeah, I was using a 13lb. ball. It had the best felling. I can throw the 15lb. but I felt like it was slipping out of my hand a bit (don't know why.)

I know that's not much to go on so any help is appreciated. Yes, I am going to the pro shop it’s a Brunswick XL Zone but I would like to have some knowledge/idea of what I should be getting.

Thanks in advance for the help.



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Re: Noob Needs Help
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2010, 03:32:58 PM »
The 2Fast was a good choice, now enjoy your improvement.  --  JohnP