I would also suggest the site bushman2000 has given you.
Also get out your VCR and tape the PBA pros, Mike Machuga for example
has a good classic approach.Brian Voss, Rick Steelsmith, Parker Bohn are other examples. Play the tape back and stop the action ,play back frame by frame,
watch where the ball is in relation to their feet. Start with the finishing position. Get yourself in that position. You need to have a ball that you keep at home. Use your hall way and mirrors. It takes time and a lot of practice.Pay
attention to where the ball is on the second step of a 4 step approach.It has
to be down and behind your hip. Notice when you get into that correct finish position how free the ball swings under your shoulder.
Stay away from those old 1950 instruction books.Bowling has changed from that era. Enjoy the process of learning and getting better.There is a lot of good
instruction on the internet. If lucky enough to find a good coach, then that is of course the best.