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Author Topic: Pin Carry  (Read 5019 times)


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Pin Carry
« on: September 28, 2003, 09:55:07 PM »
It's me again.

I currently throw 14 pounds which I feel is too heavy.  I have been experiencing shoulder pain.  Is that a sign?  I'm going back to 13.

I throw the 14 slower and feel like I've been leaving more ten pins than I did with 13.  Everyone tells me that 14 gives a better hit.

My question is this.  Which ball will carry better?  The 14 because of the extra weight even though I'm throwing it slower.  Or, the 13 which I can throw a little faster?

Your comments please.





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Re: Pin Carry
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2003, 10:16:45 PM »
LadyWannabe -- I think you asked the wrong question.  The question you really want answered is "which ball will I score best with".  The answer for someone with your profile is simply the one you can be most accurate with.  A ball that hits like a Mac truck doesn't do you much good if you only hit the pocket once per game.  Sounds to me like you can control the 13 lb ball best, so that's what you should use.  --  JohnP


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Re: Pin Carry
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2003, 11:18:25 AM »
Ditto to BOTH previous responses here.

You need to be able to bowl without discomfort AND you need to be accurate.

You may need to do a little weight work to be able to handle the 14# ball, but there should not be much difference between the two.


Just when you thing you've got it figured out, you ARE gonna crash. That's Bowling!