Hmm, I cannot keep up a frequent training schedule due to my work, but I try to play at least once a week, twice is the objective. Mostly Friday/weekend, sometimes I make it to my club during the week for official team training sessions.
In normal training sessions, I will do 6-10 games when I am on my own, or less if I play with friends, but rarely less than 6 games.
I mostly work on consistency and changing lines, and also on reading the lane and switching equipment, finding a new line quickly because this is important for my league formats and my slower playing style. Another problem I stioll battle is the 1st game on the lane. I need very long to get relaxed enough to play properly. Very critical, esp. in league/tournament, but I am not sure if I can really improve on this despite warming up etc. Maybe also a mental thing?
Well, when I play on my own, I also make dedicated spare sessions, either to try new things or just for the sake of repetition, or I dedicate games just to try new/different lines - lately I experimented with the 1st arrow (I am useed to play across 3rd), and some training just to get the different look onto the lane right is IMO very important, just to be prepared in case the lane calls for such a shot.
I do not care much about training results anymore, even though I note them and how I am going overall. In the long run, things even out.
Training is very important for either working on your strengths, find solutions foryour weaknesses and to broaden your spectrum of options.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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