With extra speed, the ball has less time to work on the lane, and it is harder for the cover to build traction up.
For starters, I'd take the ball with the lower pin or stronger layout (or the Sauce if they are drilled the same, since it has a rollier core) and open up the surface with an Abralon pad or sand paper - I's start with 1.000 grit and see what happens. The dull surface will make the ball read the lane earlier, so that you should see some better results than before, even though the reaction shape should become more even overall. If you want more recation, you can try coarser grits down to 400, which is really matte.
Additionally, you could add a flare-increasing weight hole above your PAP, which helps the ball hook a bit more and earlier without changing much else.
Only if this does not help, I'd consider another ball, but esp. with the Sauce in the bag you shoudl find a solution.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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