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Author Topic: question about some stuff  (Read 1772 times)


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question about some stuff
« on: April 18, 2004, 03:21:27 AM »
ok hey, im new here and i just like to say my names DJ and ive been bowling for about 8 years now. i was into bowling for quite a while but got out of it for serious for about 3 years. i have been learning all these thing i didnt know when i quit because i only used one bowling ball. well i got back into bowling, and i have a few questions.

1. i got my first heavy oil ball since ive gotten back into it and i was wondering how your supposed to sand it, what grit and anything else i might need to know about it.

2. I got my heavy oil ball from my aunt and its fairly old. my question is has anyone used or is using a rhino pro. i dont know if thats a company name or what brand that is so i cant find any reviews on it. so ide just liek to know if anyone knows what its like.

thanks in advance DJ



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Re: question about some stuff
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2004, 07:32:39 PM »
Uh, what color is it?  There are different types of Rhino Pros.

You know what?  Go Here, search "Rhino Pro", click discontinued, and find out which one you have.
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Re: question about some stuff
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2004, 08:54:53 PM »
ok thanks, alos is there any specific way your supposed to sand a ball or just scuff it up to make it hook more

EDIT: i looked on that discontinued site and couldnt find it. for your information its a teal one if that helps at all. i used it tonight and it seems to work good for it not being driiled to me

Edited on 4/18/2004 8:51 PM


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Re: question about some stuff
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2004, 08:59:11 PM »
Well, the easiest (and cheapest) way, is to go and buy some scotch brite pads.  You can find these in a lot of stores.  Buy the green one, it is about 800 grit, and if your ball has polish, it will take it off, and if it is dull, it will give it some new surface to work with.

you should plug and redrill the ball to fit your hand.  No one can achieve their best unless their stuff is fit for them.  Besides, you won't develop bad habits.

Is This your ball?
Old people are funny.

Edited on 4/18/2004 8:52 PM

Edited on 4/18/2004 8:53 PM