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Author Topic: Returning Player needs some help/advice  (Read 3181 times)


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Returning Player needs some help/advice
« on: February 28, 2011, 10:15:21 AM »
Hey guys/gals,
Firstly I am glad to be returning to bowling after a 3 year layoff.  I ended up hurting my back pretty bad to the point I had to have back surgery and the recovery took longer than expected.  So now coming back to the sport after not being able to do pretty much anything physical for 3 years is a bit tough. I was finally able to go bowling for the first time today and was able to bowl 5 games.  My bowling balls are all about 15.5 lbs and the first thing I noticed is that my ball speed avg is way off of what it used to be. I used to avg about 16-17mph today I was between 11-13 (I hit 16 once or twice on my spare ball but had to muscle it) Now the lanes seem to be dry as a bone since when my ball came back from the ball return there was not a single drop of oil or track on the ball.  Curious if that might had slowed the ball down along with my lack of strength from 3 years ago.
Few questions I was looking for some answers on.   Since both my bowling balls are about 3-4 years old now (I own a Twisted Fury and Momentum) I wanted to buy a new ball.  I wanted to get something new drilled to my hand is now compared to what it used to be (my current balls don't feel right anymore)  I know my PAP is 4 1/2---> and 1/8 up my revs are probably around 300-350 (could be more though) and my avg ball speed now is like 12.5 (again hoping the more I go bowling I can get this back up to 16-17).  The house I am going to bowl in will be on fresh oil THS.  I am not familiar at all with what balls are about now but would like to get something that matches up well with how I am bowling now (kinda like to use it to get me back into the swing of things and then switch to new equipment then.)  Any opinions help advice anything anyone could give would be very helpful!



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Re: Returning Player needs some help/advice
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2011, 03:51:40 PM »
Welcome back to bowling.  Like you, I just returned also after a layoff and glad to be back.


There are a few balls I could suggest.  Now, if you are looking for a medium-light ball, I have found success with the Roto Grip Rising Star (also posted a review).  The hybrid pearl/solid cover is very clean through the heads, reads the midlane really well and I have it drilled skid/snap.  This ball carries very well and love it on lighter volume especially.  It's the first ball for lighter oil I have seen in a while that is more forgiving if you miss a little off the target.  The Neutron Core allows for great carry.  I tend to be more down the boards but can move in deeper.  Great ball all around regardless if you're down the boards, a tweener, or a cranker.


For medium oil, I found the Roto Grip Nomad Dagger (also a hybrid pearl/solid cover) does extremely well.  I did post a review on this too.  The Rotary Core gives the ball great carry and I have thrown a ton of messengers with this ball.  It's very clean through the heads, reads the midlane well and has a controlled arc to the pocket.  Just be careful with it on the fresh or heavier volumes as it can be a little over/under.  But once the lanes carry down a little bit, it's simply one I love to throw and its versatile with all styles.

The difference between the Nomad Dagger and the Rising Star is that the Nomad Dagger has more solid than pearl in its cover while the Rising Star is the opposite with more pearl than solid.


For heavy oil, THE ball to have in my opinion is the Storm Virtual Gravity Nano.  After throwing 6-1/2 games with this on a very heavy Route 66 pattern, it had so much recovery and you don't get the lane shine quickly on it.  Playing more down the boards on Route 66 (between 1st and 2nd arrow), this ball basically ignored the heads, and read the midlane extremely well.  Once it hit the dry, it had a pronounced hard arc which allowed me to carry extremely well most of the night.  Now, I always had issues bowling on heavy oil but this ball made it fun as I was sending messengers to kick out the 10, tripped some 8's, and keeping the pins very low.  After 6-1/2 games (that is how flooded the lanes were), I ended up moving down to the Nomad Dagger and finished out strong.


Now I used to use Brunswick and Columbia 300 but found Roto Grip and Storm seems to be a much better fit personally with my style.  However, don't be afraid to check out 900Global/AMF, Brunswick/MoRich, Columbia300/Track/Hammer/Ebonite or any of the other companies out there.  All of them have solid lineups where you can really match yourself up well.


In any case, the best thing to do is to find a good pro shop, let them see your game and see what they recommend.  Many shops now have demo balls where you can try before you buy.  Just because I like Storm/Roto Grip and have built a new arsenal around them doesn't mean their balls will match up the best for what you need specifically.  Good luck and let us know how you make out.

Current Ball Arsenal
MOTIV Jackal Legacy
MOTIV Mythic Jackal

MOTIV Trident Odyssey
MOTIV Forge Fire
MOTIV Covert Revolt

MOTIV Sigma Sting
MOTIV Pride Solid

MOTIV Venom Shock
MOTIV Tribal Fire


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Re: Returning Player needs some help/advice
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2011, 09:13:41 AM »
"In any case, the best thing to do is to find a good pro shop, let them see your game and see what they recommend."

Absolutely.  With your current speed you don't need anything strong.  For a first new ball I suggest the Columbia Freeze and that you drop to 15 lb.  After 3 years a confirmation of your PAP location and a new fit is absolutely necessary.  Talk to some of the better bowlers in your area and find out who fits and drills their balls.  Take it easy so you don't reinjure your back.  --  JohnP

Edited by JohnP on 4/1/2011 at 9:15 AM


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Re: Returning Player needs some help/advice
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2011, 10:05:14 AM »
As someone who's dealt with herniated discs in the back and pinched nerves in the cervical part of the spine off and on for several years, I'd offer this bit of advice that my chiropractor gave me. When you're picking up your ball from the rack, make sure you aren't hunching over and pulling it up with your upper body. Bend the legs a little and stand upright to pull the ball up off the rack. It's a little awkward, but it's kept me from injuring myself. I tend to bowl 10-12 games of practice over a few hours when I do, and that's when I've injured my back. During league with a much slower pacing, I find it's not much of an issue, but for someone who is rehabilitating, it's very important regardless of the pacing.
Also, be careful how you lift your bags when you're loading/unloading. Always make sure to use your legs. I've hurt myself many times, but I have a 2002 Trans Am that isn't really bowling bag friendly. I have to feed them into the back seat which is folded down flat. It's impossible for me to utilize my legs to the fullest to load/unload =\

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