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Author Topic: Serious Balancing Problems Please Help :(  (Read 1682 times)


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Serious Balancing Problems Please Help :(
« on: March 02, 2010, 01:47:40 PM »
I seem to be doing some damage to my left knee (sliding knee) and I'm not sure how to correct it.

The situation is I'm slew-footed i.e. when I walk, run etc my foot face outward like this /\ so when I slide, I get down as low as possible to execute a clean release. I'm 6'3. and it appears that every time I slide, my left knee turns and bends. it's something I've been trying to fix, but instinctually, my body does it even tho I try not to. I really need some tips on correcting this, otherwise, I'll be sitting out from bowling again. I had this problem before and stopped bowling for a couple yrs but now since I've acquired some of my timing and mechanics back, the problem has come back.

Also, one of my old teammates stated it appears that I'm at the last 1 or 2 secs of sliding and my feet are planted before the ball is completely release, which may be the cause of the turning. Any suggestions?
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Re: Serious Balancing Problems Please Help :(
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2010, 01:58:21 AM »
Sounds like a timing issue, something liuke fast feet. You are quicker than the ball pendulum, so you have to "wait" at the foul line and catch the moving upper body's balance with you standing foot, hence the "turn" of it.

I'd try slowing down the initial steps and synchronize the second-to-last step with the pendudulum, so that you slide when the ball has started moving downwards. This will not only help with balance and keeping the whole body upright, but also improve leverage at the release point of the ball.

Ideally, you just slide when the ball passes you ankle.

Good luck - a coach might help here, too.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Serious Balancing Problems Please Help :(
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2010, 07:47:21 AM »

Thx for the info. I actually had a coach, and he corrected a lot my mistakes. However, he moved so I haven't had one since.
Stop Crying, Shut Up and BOWL!!! Everybody throws  gutter balls back to back at one point in their life Getting Zero is an accomplishment that you should be proud of!!!