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Author Topic: Slowly getting frustrated...  (Read 3075 times)


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Slowly getting frustrated...
« on: June 20, 2005, 07:39:56 AM »
Hi.. I'm kind of inexperienced in these postings and such, so I hope I'm ok to post.  Anyways, I'm a beginner.. again.  To give you my history, I use to bowl in jr. and high school, always avg. around 140-150 bowling straight.  

My high school friend has gotten me back into bowling again and I'm trying to learn something new... how to SPIN. I bought my first ball, I think it's a Columba Shadow (Old one) from some pro shop. I've been working on it for the past 2 months and have seen very few results.  Now my friend is giving me the option of purchasing his Track - Phenom Unleashed. So I was wondering if anyone can give me advice on a couple things:  

1.  My Columbia ball is barely hooking..  I know that I'm new and need alot of practice, which I've been doing weekly via the league and hour bowling on sundays.. but seeing the lack of hook is disappointing me. Is there practices at home that I can do to help me get more of a hook on this ball?  I think my fingertips just aren't giving the ball enough rotation somehow...

2.   I've used my friend's Unleased for a week, around 15 games, but even that ball isn't giving me much of a hook.  I've tried slowing down (from 17mph to 13 mph), different boards, but it still isn't responsive.  I know that if i get it drilled it might change and give me more of a hook, but is it worth doing?  Do I need another ball?  If so, Is the Unleashed good for me?  

Any other recommendations and comments would be gladly apprecaited.  Thanks.



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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2005, 03:45:44 PM »
I'd say take the money you were going to spend on the ball and get an hour lesson from a good coach.  Depending on where you live, that'd probably range from $50-$100.  Someone who is experienced and qualified can not only teach you how to get the ball to hook, but can also give you an unbiased recommendation as to what ball to drill.  Watch the better bowlers, then ask where they get their stuff drilled and/or if they have a coach.  The better bowlers tend to migrate towards better pro shops, and the better pro shops either give lessons, or know where you can get lessons.  It's hard to help anyone, especially a beginner (no offense), if you can't see them bowl.
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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2005, 03:47:31 PM »
I'd say take the money you were going to spend on the ball and get an hour lesson from a good coach.  Depending on where you live, that'd probably range from $50-$100.  Someone who is experienced and qualified can not only teach you how to get the ball to hook, but can also give you an unbiased recommendation as to what ball to drill.  Watch the better bowlers, then ask where they get their stuff drilled and/or if they have a coach.  The better bowlers tend to migrate towards better pro shops, and the better pro shops either give lessons, or know where you can get lessons.  It's hard to help anyone, especially a beginner (no offense), if you can't see them bowl.
The clock on the wall says 3 O'Clock...last call...for Alcohol!
"I love a martini -- but two at the most. Three I’m under the table; Four, I’m under the host."  Dorothy Parker

He's said it pretty much there.  Get a coach and develop a sound game before going and buying stuff.  I learned that the hard way, and I'm still paying for it.
- Andy

Brunswick...........'nuff said.


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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2005, 03:55:37 PM »
nomad, where you located?  i'm sure there are br members that would give a couple quick free lessons to get you started.

i'm in omaha and i usually have a get-together once a month on saturdays for some free coaching (u get what u pay 4).

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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2005, 03:58:34 PM »
Check out the tips in the link in my signature.  Ones to focus on are...

#7: How to hold the ball
#12: Just let it fall
#20: The bowlers release
Penn State Proud

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive


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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2005, 05:16:11 PM »
Thanks everyone.  My friend and I have been talking to a coach and we're hoping to set up something soon.  I'm also planning on videotaping this week's league play to see if there is anything obvious that I need to work on more.  I figure if I can work on at least the simple things, like my step (noticed walked diagonal in the beginning, but corrected it), I can be more prepare and work on the more intricate stuff.  

I think I have my mind set on a new ball just because my current ball just really doesn't spin.. its more of a spare ball.  I guess I'm just worried if my ball isn't one thats susceptible to spinning in the first place, that even if I would have done everything right, that the only reason why I wasn't getting a spin was because of the ball... rather then me.  Its weird because when I use his GP2 ball, I actually get a good spin... man, that ball hits like a Mack Truck!!  I loved it... but I know its prob too aggressive for me right now.  

Thats why I thought the Unleashed might be a good option.. don't have to spend money on a new ball, my friend has offered it to me for just $50.  It has only been drilled once, and his fingers and hand span are the same as mine.  Do you still think $50 would be too much of a risk to get it and have it redrilled?  He said its current drill is for an early roll or something.. maybe if I get a new drill on it and work on my technique, it'll give me more of a spin/hook?


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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2005, 08:40:46 PM »
Always remember to stay behind the ball and take your thumb out first. Then push through the ball, making your hand go from 3:00 to 12:00(picture a clock on the ground 12:00 pointing to the pins). About the Unleased, it is not fitted for you hands so it will not, react the same when you have it fitted for you hand. It would be best to get the ball redrilled with a more aggressive drilling. It would be good to get a experienced Bowler to help you out with you hooking problem. Any more questions just ask.


Edited on 6/21/2005 9:27 PM

Edited on 7/28/2005 4:05 PM


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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2005, 09:22:33 PM »
I started bowling again last year (similar to you I had bowled jr. high age and only threw straight ball).  First thing I did was find some bowling books (got some really good deals on amazon and overstock).  Most of the books are dated, but the information on technique are still valid (just ignore the stuff about "new urethane balls").  I bought "Bowling Strikes," "Focused for Bowling," "Winning Bowling," "Bowling 200+," and "Bowling eXecution."  I was able to pick each book up for under $10 (shipping included), but maybe you can find them in a library.  The information was really helpful to give me an idea of what I needed to do before I was actually bowling, that I watched a friend who has a nice smooth hook and tried to imitate his release.

Also, since nobody has mentioned this yet - It is highly doubtful that you and your friend have the "exact same" span and grip.  First things first, you need equipment that is properly fitted for you!  Otherwise you risk injury or will pick up bad habits.

Also, concentrate on getting the basic mechanics, don't worry about the hook.  I will assume that since you are seeking advice that you want to progress to the best of your abilities - don't worry about hooking the lane.  Anybody can pick up a ball, use 2 fingers and crank the h#ll out of the ball and get it to hook.  Worry about getting your approach, timing, armswing to an acceptable level.  You can buy a "hook in a box," but that won't do you any good if your mechanics are off or you can't hit the same spot on a consistent basis.


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Re: Slowly getting frustrated...
« Reply #8 on: June 22, 2005, 05:45:34 PM »
Thanks everyone.. and you, GOSTORMSWICK, for the links.  That helps out.  Is there a link that shows the whole technique from start to finish?  I think I'm narrowing down on what I'm doing wrong in terms of finger/thumb positions during my release.. but I just wanted to make sure by watching someone else, in repitition.  I know I wouldn't be able to pick it up during live play, there's no pause or slow mode.  If anyone knows of a link, please let me know.

I will be getting the Unleashed drilled, or look into it at the pro-shop "R&J Bowling Equipment Inc" in Daly City, CA today after work.  Anyone familiar w/ this place?