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Author Topic: spare shooting with plastic  (Read 5190 times)


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spare shooting with plastic
« on: May 19, 2014, 02:44:47 PM »
Is there a proper spare shooting system for shooting spares with a plastic ball? Or should I just aim straight at the pin and hurl it?



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Re: spare shooting with plastic
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2014, 02:50:47 PM »
hit the one in front


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Re: spare shooting with plastic
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2014, 04:03:36 AM »
Everyone's body size, drift pattern, approach etc is different, so no, there isn't any one specific system that works for everyone.  That being said, what I find the easiest to remember is to try to think of spares as being groups.  For example the 3, 6, 10 would be a group and I use 3rd arrow to hit the 6 pin.  Where I stand is a matter of trial and error, but once I know where I'm standing to hit 3rd arrow and the 6 pin, that's it.  From now on that's where I stand for the 6 pin because, in theory, my plastic ball should go straight everywhere I go. 

Now that I have a starting point for the 6 pin, I can experiment moving my feet left for the 10 pin and right for the 3 pin.  Once you know those spots, you can split the difference between them for combos like the 3,6 and 6,10.

You could do the same for the 5 pin, then move from that to convert the 8 & 9 or the 2 & 3.

Honestly, using a plastic ball makes shooting spares absolutely simple as long as you know and remember where to stand and where to throw.  At that point, the only thing causing you to miss is your accuracy.


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Re: spare shooting with plastic
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2014, 11:16:20 AM »
If you can't find a proshop guy/gal or coach to show you, then YouTube should have several videos on this to give you an idea about the systems.

I used to use the 4th arrow for spares, and as I grew side ways over the years so did my spare game lol.

This 4th arrow system works great for both side leaves, you just need to figure out where to stand on the approach. In the past, used a plastic ball for everything. Even for 4 8 and 3 9 leaves, I "hit the one in front." ;) I stood on 22 and 33....

Nowadays I'm searching for that spare game. shoot straight on the right leaves, hook it for the left side....not good on when i bowl on non THS.
Does a round object have sides? I say yes, pizza has triangles..

aka addik since 2003