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Author Topic: suggestions to a new ball  (Read 1821 times)


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suggestions to a new ball
« on: August 27, 2008, 11:39:08 AM »
Hi all,
  New to the forum and bowling balls. Well, I am using my dad's old bowling ball (an old Hammer from 1981, or so he says). Since the ball is older than I am and i think I'm pretty decent at bowling (averaging around 165) I think I need an upgrade.
  A little about the current ball I use. I have a conventional hole setup, but I don't throw conventionally at all, I make the ball hook. Now, as for my technique and approach to throwing the ball, I start on the second arrow (starting from the left) and tend to aim for the second arrow on the lane (starting from the right side of the lane). I throw the ball at an angle going into the lane and then it hooks back towards the gap between 1 and 3 pin (hopefully resulting in a strike).
  Now, as for a new ball, I was looking at the Ebonite Playmaker or the Hammer Venom. I've been told from the shop worker there is a large difference between the balls I'm looking at and the ball I use now. Any advice as to which ball I could look at, to be honest, the reviews for the two weren't very helpful.



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Re: suggestions to a new ball
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2008, 07:44:20 PM »
I've personally seen the Venom in action on a medium/heavy blend pattern and it had great length and great backend. Haven't seen the playmaker in action yet.
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Re: suggestions to a new ball
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2008, 07:58:54 PM »
So I just read a couple of more reviews on different bowling balls. I am not familiar at all with bowling term, it's a completely different language to me. The only term I'm really sure of is a Brooklyn strike because I tend throw at least 1 or 2 a game (I just picked that term up two weeks ago -_-)
 Well, more info on my ball. It's a 16lb and I tend to throw it at around 11.5mph - 13mph. Yeah I know I don't throw really fast, but as long as I get those pins down I'm happy, especially with my average too. But all this talk about pocket, carrydown, length drill, etc. Really, I have no idea what any of this means, I just bowl for fun. Think I should go talk to the guy at the bowling shop again...


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Re: suggestions to a new ball
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2008, 03:31:59 AM »
The Hammer is probably a urethane ball with a core - by today's standards a rather weak piece that should work on lighter conditions. The balls you mentioned are a huge step up from the Hammer, and, yes, they are different.

Since you stated that you play the conventionally drilled Hammer with revs and a hook, I'd suggest consulting a coach or your pro shop directly for assistance, to find something that truly fits your style and needs. I could imagine that your hand needs to be measured (again), and your release will play a big role for ball choice and setup, so it is hard to make a blind recommendation here.
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Re: suggestions to a new ball
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2008, 04:48:14 PM »
Venom video:

 Playmaker video:

  From what I hve seen, these are both good balls, but very different from one another.

  One guy here has them both and, from watching him, the venom seems noticably longer and strong while the playmaker is earlier, smoother and still pretty strong.

  A word of warning.  When the guy at the shop says there is much difference between the old hammer and todays equipment, BELIEVE EVERYTHING HE IS SAYING! Balls don't even operate on the same principle of physics that they did when the hammer urethanes were king.

  Most modern balls ( from the last few years ) can literally run rings around an old urethane hammer.  Not that the hammer isn't o.k., just that bowling ball technology is moving at warp speed and it doesn't take long for things to go obsolete.  The old hammer is several years old and nowadays things go obsolete after only a few weeks in some cases.
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Re: suggestions to a new ball
« Reply #5 on: September 08, 2008, 03:48:59 PM »
Yes an entry level reactive resin ball will out hook the old Hammer. Brunswick Power Groove, Hammer Vibe, Ebonite Tornado balls such as these would be a big step up consider fingertip grips too. Consult with a Pro Shop in your area for lessons too.
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