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Author Topic: The Push Away  (Read 5338 times)


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The Push Away
« on: January 09, 2012, 12:35:15 PM »
When shooting at the 10 pin spare I use plastic, line up cross lane with my feet pointed right at the target (10 pin).  Shoulders are also closed with my chest also pointed right at the target.  I walk straight and try to roll the ball right over the 5th arrow to the pin.  
Question is, should my push away also go towards the target, or should it be straight up in the direction I'm walking?



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Re: The Push Away
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2012, 01:15:51 AM »
When you say you are walking straight, which direction is straight?  Are you walking towards the 10pin or square to the foul line? 
In all of my shots, I am square to my target line, not the lane.  My push away is the start of my swing, has to be along the target line to keep accuracy in check.  Start the ball on the intended line of projection and it will be easier to keep it there.

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Re: The Push Away
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2012, 04:26:21 AM »
Yes, you should line up squarely to your target, so that you can walk forward. Consequently, the push-away is also to be straight forward, just as on a normal strike shot. Ideally, you have aline from the pin through a visual target to your laydown point at the foul line. When you elongate this for your approach, this line will hardly be in parallel to the boards (unless you play up the 1st board fro the 10 pin). Anything else promotes IMHO swing deviation and inconsistency - getting used to the visual difference to a normal shot can be tricky, though.

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: The Push Away
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2012, 10:43:19 AM »
My rule for making 10 pins is:  Do whatever works!  Try different methods until you find one you can repeat consistently with success.  For me, I break my wrist back as far as it will go comfortably, bring my pinkie and pointer fingers in tight to the MF and RF, walk toward my target with my shoulders open, and try to release with my thumb and fingers straight behind the ball.  I target the third arrow.  --  JohnP


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Re: The Push Away
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2012, 06:09:19 AM »
I second this.  I reluctantly went with a plastic ball for spares.  Started with the 10 pin and migrated to all spares without a sleeper pin.  After missing a couple of 7-pins, I am going to try out Norm Dukes suggestion and learn to throw a little backup ball at the 10 pin and 3-10 split and to avoid the 6-10 chop.

JohnP wrote on 1/10/2012 11:43 AM:
My rule for making 10 pins is:  Do whatever works!  Try different methods until you find one you can repeat consistently with success.  For me, I break my wrist back as far as it will go comfortably, bring my pinkie and pointer fingers in tight to the MF and RF, walk toward my target with my shoulders open, and try to release with my thumb and fingers straight behind the ball.  I target the third arrow.  --  JohnP


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