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Author Topic: Thumb Swell  (Read 4091 times)


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Thumb Swell
« on: March 23, 2005, 09:42:19 PM »
The first time I used my ball, we played four games and by the end my thumb was sore. Then, a week later, I had my guy drill my thumb hole a teeny bit bigger as my thumb often stuck and then "popped" out. By the end of my fourth game, my thumb was so sore and swollen I could barely use my ball at all and had to resort to playing with my right hand (I'm a leftie). I think I need my thumb hole quite a bit bigger to be more comfortable. I seem to do better when my whole thumb is inserted instead of just halfway. It is the part below my thumb knuckle that is swelling and sore. What do you guys think I should do?
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(Brunswick tiger print Viz-a-Ball
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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 05:59:12 AM »
It is hard to say, without looking at your thumb, but off hand, I'd say your span isn't right or yes, your thumb needs to be resized. I suggest , when fitting, you insert your thumb all the way into the hole, I personally only insert half way, but that's me, not someone else. I'd go back, explain what pain you are having, let the driller watch you throw, maybe make a few marks on the thumb and see where your thumb is 'sticking' or 'draging' on the hole.

my 2 cents are up
AZ Guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 06:17:20 AM »
Hmmm, one problem could be that you are very sensitive to humidity with your hand and skin? You didn't wash your hand s in the meantime, did you? This COULD be a solution for this problem.

When your thumb is swollen after some games, them either the thumb hole should be checked (maybe by a third party?), or you could be gripping too tight to the ball upon release. I have similar problems which I fight currently with a longer approach and a deeper knee bend - but the symptoms end up in a blistered thumb (I am a righty, my thumb skin gets worn out just at the right thumb nail side).

If you can maintain a proper grip, then try to insert your thumb not too deep. But this is an individual solution - for me, for example, it does not work since I have rather slender fingers and thumb and need all of them inside if the ball to have a proper hold in the backswing.

Finally, I am going with AZ Guy: have somebody with a rep for being a sound ball driller watch you play, and have your ball checked. Proper ball fit is a prerequisite for success and enjoyable bowling, do not hamper yourself with ill-fitting equipment.

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DizzyFugu --- Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2005, 10:57:55 AM »
Wow, I have the exact same problem. My thumb swells and shrinks everyday and I never know what I'm going to get... This is my suggestion.. Have the ball drilled somewhere in between, bigger than when your thumb is small.. A hair smaller than when your thumb is swollen.  Then get yourself some powder and some of the smooth thumbhole tape. That way if on that day your thumb is have powder to help your release.. If your thumb is shrunk, you have grip tape to tighten it up. I throw 5 different balls, which all feel alittle different, and in my expierence this is the best way to do it. That way no matter what the situation you have a solution
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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2005, 11:07:31 AM »
Thanks to everyone.... all these suggestions really help. I don't want to get discouraged and stop bowling! That's just not an option!
Bowling with TIGER POWER!
(Brunswick tiger print Viz-a-Ball
named "Tony" for obvious reasons)
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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2005, 11:24:55 PM »
I think it is better to have the thumbhole opened up to your thumb's maximum size after it is swollen and then use tape to snug it up after the thumb is back to normal size.  Just remove or add tape as necessary to maintain a nice snug fit.  I think if you perspire and use powder, it will cause the powder to get sticky, adding to your problem.  

But first, have your proshop verify that your fit is correct for both size and pitch.


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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2005, 01:49:34 PM »
Once I stopped pinching the ball, my thumb problems dissapeared.  Your thumb should be turned up so that you feel the ball slide off of the tip of you thumb and nail and not off the knuckle.  It should be relaxed while holding the ball through out your entire swing.  Makes for a clean release.


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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2005, 01:58:20 PM »
All good points that have been made. Is it just with the one ball it happens with or is it all? If it is just the one need to look at that ball. If it is all then look at some of the reasons that have been said. I would think about squeezing it wrong or the humidity right away. I know the first night of league this year the first 2 games was ok by the time the 3rd game started I swelled up really bad due to heat and humidity. Checking the span and pitches would be a very good idea though to be safe.


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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #8 on: March 30, 2005, 02:04:51 PM »
Hey guys, I figured it out! I had my proshop widen my thumb hole a full 16th today and thought that would take care of the problem, but when I got home and did a few practice swings, I realized it was a different problem. Though the widening helped a lot, it was mostly the edge of the hole that was causing me pain. It just felt a little too sharp on my backswing so I took my Dremmel tool (the best invention ever) and rounded that lip. Now it seems to be fine, but the real test will be when I play with it. But I think it has already helped dramatically! Thanks to all for helping me with this problem.
Bowling with TIGER POWER!
(Brunswick tiger print Viz-a-Ball
named "Tony" for obvious reasons)
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Re: Thumb Swell
« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2005, 02:17:06 PM »
My thumb used to be above an inch before I changed my pitch and release. Who knew that thumb pitches I was bowling with for years was pinching and rubbing my thumb giving me unsightly blisters. I changed my pitch from <1/2 and ^1/4 to <1/4and ^1/4. I also broke my wrist to keep me from grabbing the ball and flat hand the ball through the swing until I get to release the ball in which case I rotation at the ankle. Who know that 1/4 of an inch was the difference in pain free bowling. I went from 2 blisters every time I bowl to 2 blisters this season.
They should have never gave this N**** bowling balls. You know he gonna win. He's lefthanded. What the Hell were you thinkin'? -My own ignorant signature..